Benefits of a Custom Builder
Choosing to build a house, do renovations, or even to put on a small addition can be a big undertaking. There is a lot of work and a lot of decisions that need to be made.
Of course, depending on the project, one of the biggest questions is, who is going to do the project? Well, I would like to give you four reasons why choosing a Custom Home Builder is going to a great decision!
So we know that time is an issue across the board.
You have a job, family and overall things to do. So trying to take on a large project can be daunting.
That is where a custom home builder comes in and saves the day. They can manage everything for you. Most often a builder has their own trusted crew and they also have good trusted subcontractors that they will manage to get the job done for you.
Now keep in mind you can be as involved as you like. Making decisions on what you would like done or you can give the builder an idea of what you want and trust them to do it the way you’d like. There is a good bit of flexibility for you. Making life a bit easier.
The Sky is the Limit

Seriously, this is where the word “custom” comes into play. You can literally choose whatever you want. The choices are limitless. Everything from light fixtures to what type of stairs you want.
When designing a custom build, you dream it and a custom builder should be able to make it a reality. It’s something we pride ourselves on here at Highline Construction. We like to call ourselves radically custom. Simply because we believe there is nothing we cannot do.
Now for some the idea of making all these choices and decisions is daunting. This is another area a custom home builder is extremely helpful. When you have been building for over 20 years you have either built or seen so many options.
So quite often the process starts with you telling us what you are hoping for and we give you some examples of what we have created to date and either go with that design, or look or simply use it as a base. A good custom builder should make the process as easy and stress free as possible.
Save Time and Money

When is comes to “custom” the first word that comes to mind is the word “expensive”. This may be true on paper, but when you break it down you actually see that you make out quite well with a custom builder.
First off as stated it saves you time. Your time is not only important but also valuable. So not taking off from work or taking time to get supplies…. the list goes on.
Second, you get way more “bang for your buck”. Let’s say your want a certain kind of stairs, there’s a very good chance that the builder knows of a perfect place to get those stairs at a very good price and quality. Custom builders often have good connections to help their customers get what they want for good price.
Also, custom homes tend to be a lot more energy efficient. So, you save on bills.
Keep in mind another benefit is that since you are the one making the choices, the cost of the project is flexible based on what you choose.
Finally, when you choose a Custom Home Builder, you are going to get great quality. Everything from a quality relationship with the builder to quality in the project.
As said before, more “bang for your buck”, a good builder will be able to get you the best quality for your money. So at the end of the day, your project will be a work of art no matter the budget.
So really you can’t go wrong with choosing a custom home builder to do your next project for you. A choosing reputable builder will make the whole process one the best decisions you’ll ever make.
So, if you’re looking for a great builder, contact us! We would be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Call us at: (717) 529-0180